// //simplest low speed USB receive function // module ls_usb_recv( input wire reset, //clock should be 5Mhz input wire clk, //usb BUS signals input wire dp, input wire dm, input wire enable, output wire EOP, //output received bytes interface output reg [7:0]rdata, output reg rdata_ready, output reg [3:0]rbyte_cnt, output wire usb_reset ); //fix current USB line values reg [1:0]dp_input; reg [1:0]dm_input; always @(posedge clk) begin dp_input <= { dp_input[0], dp }; dm_input <= { dm_input[0], dm }; end //if both lines in ZERO this is low speed EOP //EOP reinitializes receiver assign EOP = !(dp_input[0] | dp_input[1] | dm_input[0] | dm_input[1]); reg [3:0]eop_cnt; assign usb_reset = (eop_cnt==4'hF); always @(posedge clk) begin if(~EOP) eop_cnt <= 4'h0; else if( !usb_reset && strobe) eop_cnt <= eop_cnt + 1'b1; end //change on DP line defines strobing wire dp_change; assign dp_change = dp_input[0] ^ dp_input[1]; //generate clocks with this counter reg [5:0]clk_counter; reg strobe; //make strobe impulse always @(posedge clk) begin //every edge on line resynchronizes receiver clock if(dp_change) begin clk_counter <= 0; strobe <= 1'b1; end else { strobe , clk_counter } <= clk_counter + 6'h13; end //next bit received is ONE if no signal change or ZERO if signal changed wire next_bit; assign next_bit = (last_fixed_dp == dp_input[1]); //calc number of sequental ONEs in received bit stream reg [2:0]num_ones; always @(posedge clk) begin if(strobe & receiver_enabled) begin if(next_bit) num_ones <= num_ones + 1'b1; else num_ones <= 0; end end //flag which mean that zero should be removed from bit stream wire do_remove_zero; assign do_remove_zero = (num_ones==6); reg [2:0]receiver_cnt; reg last_fixed_dp; reg receiver_enabled; //enable receiver on raising edge of DP line always @(posedge clk or posedge EOP ) begin if(EOP) receiver_enabled <= 1'b0; else if( dp_input[0] ) receiver_enabled <= 1'b1 & enable; end //receiver process always @(posedge clk or posedge EOP ) begin if(EOP) begin //kind of reset receiver_cnt <= 0; rbyte_cnt <= 0; last_fixed_dp <= 1'b0; rdata <= 0; rdata_ready <= 1'b0; end else begin if(strobe & receiver_enabled & (!do_remove_zero)) begin //decode NRZI //shift-in ONE if older and new values are same //shift-in ZERO if older and new values are different //BUT (bitstuffling) do not shift-in one ZERO after 6 ONEs rdata <= { next_bit, rdata[7:1] }; receiver_cnt <= receiver_cnt + 1'b1; end //set write-enable signal (write into receiver buffer) rdata_ready <= (receiver_cnt == 7) & (strobe & receiver_enabled & (!do_remove_zero)); //remember last fixed DP, if(strobe & receiver_enabled) last_fixed_dp <= dp_input[1]; //count nomber of received bytes if(rdata_ready) rbyte_cnt <= rbyte_cnt + 1'b1; end end endmodule